Monday, March 10, 2008


Gwen is a slave girl that we pulled from the rubble. We saved her life. I have felt she would be grateful but freed slave girl she is. I care what happens to her but feel she will never be safe or content in the life I live. People have started to use her against me and that cannot be allowed to happen for both our sakes. I need to remember and check her for scrying auras. It would be good to find a place where she could make her own way but I am afraid I have made it so that she will always be a target. I'm not sure how or why someone got Gwen from the portable hole but I feel like someone must have been watching and felt she was a weak point. Gwen is in a tough spot but staying with me will get her destroyed and it will be my fault.

Veya on the other hand is a capable party member, a planes traveler and able to protect herself. What is it that I don't remember as a player that I should remember as a character. How is she different? If Veya does not stay, it may not matter.

I don't feel anyone will find the character attractive as he is. Maybe intimidating, terrifying, more something to be afraid of. He's kind of like the Beast of Beauty and the Beast. He may be able to maintain the appearance of human kind but anyone touching him or that he touches will know.


Chris Hill said...

Three big topics here to discuss: Delmar, Veya and Gwen.

First to Gwen. The comment I'm about to make is outside the game. It is from DM to Player.

Gwen is designed as a way to keep your character grounded. As powerful as you have become and as broad as your "vision" of the world has become, you need something to remind you to care for the "little people" instead of overlooking them for the big picture.

That's what I'm using Gwen to do. Because of that, there will be times when she will be in more danger than others.

However, in game, there is another reason that she has been targeted so often and has been part of such varied plots and intrigues. That in game part is for you to find.

Second to Veya. She found Delmar attractive before, but enjoyed your conversation far more than any physical desire.

She is very capable, as NPCs go, and she has been very effective behind the scenes. She has powerful friends (Barrin, for instance) other than you, so you aren't likely to cause her more trouble.

However, she will not be able to follow you to the end of your journey, as you probably have begun to suspect. Her course will bring her to you, at times, though.

Lastly, Delmar. As of right now, with the "split" look, Delmar is a study in contrast. One side of your face bears a natural scowl, and your facial expressions on that side are translated into feral and intimidating mockeries.

Don't misunderstand, though. You still have a significant Charisma score that is apparent in your striking visage and form.

The Beauty and the Beast analogy is apt, exactly what I envisioned. The logical progression from that point is this: will you, like the Beast, begin to act as your appearance suggests? Or can you transcend your physical form?

Grey Fenn said...

I have had lots of ties to the "little people" but they seem to die around me. Kahlan, Laban, Charisbonde, Lord Winter, Stallas, the peasants at the keep, the statuettes are gone. When the small parts of the big picture die, all that is left is the big picture. Alusair, Caladnei are now not known to us. That Alusair killed Kahlan makes me wonder about them. I'm not even sure that Gwen is the Gwen I remember since she disappeared from the Portable hole and reappeared as someones evil priestess (that's how I viewed her).

As to Veya, she is a respected adventurer. I avoided contact when we met again.

Del Mar will not change because of his new appearance. How he perceives others perception of him has altered. He will tend to shut others out because of his expectations of being repulsed. I don't like having the glammar up to change how I appear because there is the chance that how I really am will be discovered. Those that welcome me do so under my false pretences and if discovered, the reaction will be even greater. I expect to be treated as an outcast by those of good character and befriended by those who would use me for my power.

Chris Hill said...

Wow! What a sad statement: "I expect to be treated as an outcast by those of good character and befriended by those who would use me..."

That's a tough life to live.

If I were you, I might play the character differently, but I don't think it would be better. Your attitude of acceptance with how others treat and perceive Delmar is interesting on my end.

To be fair, Laban and Khalan's gang were probably destined for a quick retirement from adventuring, whether by death or by choice, before they met you.

The "statuettes" are not worse-off because of you, and the Church of Lathander was about to go through some major changes, regardless of your involvement. Perhaps it would have worked out differently, but change was inevitable.

I think your decision to go without the glamer is the right one. It will only cause more trouble in the long run, and in the short term, it may actually be helpful to have such a look.

Grey Fenn said...

Dispel the Glamer. Cast Blinding glory. (takes an hour) Instruct Gwen to go veiled, and not to speak without my permission. Have her follow me 6 feet behind me. She is to stay completely covered. Mind Blank Gwen. Then we will go to our 8:00 meeting at the mountain. If there is more time, stay at the temple at my keep.