Saturday, March 8, 2008

Klauth Encounter

Assuming that I haven't spent much more than 10 minutes here speaking with Enael I will go ahead and take my leave of him. I teleport first to my tomb, ask the tomb about any guests and if none go inside and secure within the secret room my spellbooks. Then leave with instructions to the tomb to keep my books safe from all and hidden. "Let none take any of my possessions from here except me". Then to Westgate to find the Band of the Hand where Enael had told me they would be waiting. Go in, introduce myself and then say "I have no need for the pleasantries since I remember you all very well indeed. First I need you all to announce your names so I know who you are and then I am ready to go and meet your master." Before entering of course I will have up spell turning, water breathing, and displacement.

Assuming they are the same Band of the Hand I remember I go with them to meet Klauth. If coming across him I will get straight to the point "Let me guess, you have been watching me for some time and found out about my little secret, figuring you would get your hands on something I want to exchange for a lesson in my magical secrets?"


Chris Hill said...

There is a slight problem, and like most, it is probably my fault.

The "mind blank" stops telepathic communication. If I've overlooked this before, I apologize.

Me said...

Ahh, so the problem you are trying to tell me is at my tomb when I cannot ask it questions? In this case I will edit my actions by arriving at the vault, lowering the defenses, approaching the vault before opening, open / enter / close door. Then I will dispel my own mind blank and continue. This should suffice I believe.

Chris Hill said...

Okay, let me explain this before I cause too much trouble.

I've kind of glossed over this in the past... which is causing us trouble now.

To communicate with the LV, you must use a "sending" spell. The LV will recognize you, regardless of the "mind blank."

The problem is that the LV cannot communicate to you while it is operating, not that it can't hear you.

I'm not sure if I'd told you about the "sending" part.

Your edit works, though, because the LV can hear and follow your commands, even though it cannot "find" you.

I think you'll like the LV even better later on, and it will make more sense to you, probably.

When you arrive in Westgate, you quickly realize something strange is going on. It's late in the evening, and there are corpses in the streets. There are so many that some of them have been pushed to the side, like snowbanks after a heavy snow.

Me said...

Hmmm, (Fly Spell) fly up for a birds eye view of the city to see what is happenening.

Btw, observation of cause of death?
Clear signs of being melted, burned, beaten to death?

Me said...

Listen Check would probably be good as well and Spot to see if there are any other visible clues like light from a large fire or big dragon claws in the bodies.

Chris Hill said...

The stench of death in the city is nearly overwhelming.

The bodies of countless hundreds of dead are carelessly pushed in heaps to the side of the main road. The corpses are torn and diseased, as if in an advanced state of degradation.

While there is some evidence of fire, from scorched bodies, most of the damage to property and people appears to have come from "human-sized" physical trauma, mostly tearing from claws.

Flying above the city doesn't net you a much better picture, though you can see movement by a group of people in the distance, toward the center of town.

Me said...

Teleport to right in front of the group of people I see and immediately ask "What is happening here?"

Chris Hill said...

You teleport in front of a mob of undead humanoids, probably a mixture of humans, elves and half-elves. The intake of breath to ask your question causes you some discomfort (make a Fort Save).

Me said...

Fortitude save comes to 45.

Chris Hill said...

In answer to your question, the group lurches forward, some with menace in their eyes.

Me said...

I will cast Enlarged Repulsion (Undead) and go about teleporting around the city at the height of 100ft looking for signs of survivors. Also any possible places where undead are still trying to break into buildings in large quantities.

Do these appear to be the garden variety of undead zombies or do they have any special qualities that seem to pop out?