This is a general map of Cormyr and surrounding area for our campaign. Eveningstar is located just north of the King's Forest about 50 miles west of Arabel.
You'll notice that Suzail is about 240 miles from Urmlaspyr and about 220 miles from Daerlun.
Marsember is 50 miles east, while Arabel is 120 miles north of Suzail, and fabled Myth Drannor is 480 miles north-east, as the crow flies.
Hey Bud,
I'm not sure what we can do with this. I have never been on a blog before. What does blog stand for.
This is mainly a "filing cabinet" for us. We can upload pictures, ask and answer questions and write our thoughts about the game here.
We can create a great resource with this, if we use it.
For instance, if you want to remind me about some item you had intended to buy, post it, and I'll answer it through the week.
It's a public forum that only we can post to.
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