Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Coming Events?

Since its Wednesday already, I think its a good time to ask about this friday and see where everyone stands. Who's available?


After the feast, Andy will look up Chewie and while they can have a private conversation, will explain to him that the humans are making plans to save some of their territory from other human invaders on Fariun. I would prefer that Chewie spend his time searching the mountain for possible renagades and inform either me or Nexus.

4th Edition

So I can now say I've seen it. We played a 4th edition session tonight, all first level characters premade for two setup modules for players to play test. It was interesting of course.....lots of pro's and con's. At least all the classes didn't feel as standardized as I though but I think they took the versatility out of the game in a lot of ways. Just about everything about the characters does feel combat based now though, seems like the rest of the game will have to be left to imagination to keep it flowing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Item Creation

Not sure if this is useful or not but when we added ring slots, the first slot we took was a Forge ring slot. What would it take to create low level rings such as a protection from evil ring? Forge ring and the ability to cast the spell? Plus of master quality rings
Forge RingYou can create magic rings, which have varied magical effects.

I believe this takes a week which is a problem. What about this?
By voluntarily raising the difficulty of the task before you, you can craft items more quickly than normal. This option first appeared in the Epic Level Handbook, but this use of the Craft skill is open to characters of any level provided that they are willing to accept the appropriate penalty.TaskDCQuick creation+10 or more to DCQuick Creation: You can voluntarily increase the DC of crafting an item by any multiple of 10. This tactic allows you to create an item more quickly (since you'll be multiplying this higher DC by your check result to determine progress). You must decide the increase before you make the check.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Gwen is a slave girl that we pulled from the rubble. We saved her life. I have felt she would be grateful but freed slave girl she is. I care what happens to her but feel she will never be safe or content in the life I live. People have started to use her against me and that cannot be allowed to happen for both our sakes. I need to remember and check her for scrying auras. It would be good to find a place where she could make her own way but I am afraid I have made it so that she will always be a target. I'm not sure how or why someone got Gwen from the portable hole but I feel like someone must have been watching and felt she was a weak point. Gwen is in a tough spot but staying with me will get her destroyed and it will be my fault.

Veya on the other hand is a capable party member, a planes traveler and able to protect herself. What is it that I don't remember as a player that I should remember as a character. How is she different? If Veya does not stay, it may not matter.

I don't feel anyone will find the character attractive as he is. Maybe intimidating, terrifying, more something to be afraid of. He's kind of like the Beast of Beauty and the Beast. He may be able to maintain the appearance of human kind but anyone touching him or that he touches will know.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


In the brief time we spent speaking with Alusair I wanted to see if she had taken the time to have the paintings I gifted them with had been apraised yet. Telling her I was curious of their value. If not I will suggest they make the opportunity to do so soon.

Klauth Encounter

Assuming that I haven't spent much more than 10 minutes here speaking with Enael I will go ahead and take my leave of him. I teleport first to my tomb, ask the tomb about any guests and if none go inside and secure within the secret room my spellbooks. Then leave with instructions to the tomb to keep my books safe from all and hidden. "Let none take any of my possessions from here except me". Then to Westgate to find the Band of the Hand where Enael had told me they would be waiting. Go in, introduce myself and then say "I have no need for the pleasantries since I remember you all very well indeed. First I need you all to announce your names so I know who you are and then I am ready to go and meet your master." Before entering of course I will have up spell turning, water breathing, and displacement.

Assuming they are the same Band of the Hand I remember I go with them to meet Klauth. If coming across him I will get straight to the point "Let me guess, you have been watching me for some time and found out about my little secret, figuring you would get your hands on something I want to exchange for a lesson in my magical secrets?"


So Chris, why don't you take the time to explain to us all what Nephilim means. I assume that it is some historical thing or at least someone we have come across before?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


What about the Exorcism domain. You have said it may change.
I show the spells as
1) Protection from evil
2)Magic Circle vs Evil
3)Remove Curse
5)Dispel evil
7) Holy Word
8) Holy Aura
9) Unbinding

Will this change?
What is Unbinding.
Anything special or odd here that I am not seeing. Everything else is in standard books. I took quicken all spells three time. Does that include Time Stop?


Andy will either teleport or greater teleport to just outside the city of Waterdeep. Once there he will cast Alter Self to become a 6' human with jet black hair and proceed into the city, seeking out the magic shop that he and Kolarr did business at before.